Can You Spot the 5 Hidden Wallets in This Optical Illusion in 11 Seconds?

Optical illusions are interesting visual effects that cause our brains to see something other than what exists. Do you have the sharpest eyes? It’s time to check your observation ability with this interesting optical illusion! Five wallets are concealed in broad daylight in the shop in this optical illusion image. Can you spot them within 9 seconds? Check the sharpness of your eyes now!

Optical illusions are able to fool our visual system into perceiving things that don’t exist or misinterpreting what we see. In ancient times, the illusions were frequently explained as witchcraft, ghosts, or other supernatural forces. But scientists came to find out later that the illusions are nothing but the effects of how our brains interpret visual information. Optical illusion pictures are created by mixing objects, colors, etc. These features are specially placed to develop misleading effects such that concealed facts seem to pop up or hide. >

Can You Spot the 5 Hidden Wallets in 11 Seconds?

In the optical illusion photo, which was developed by online gaming firm Betsson based in Sweden, the scene of a sports apparel shop is shown before the readers. On initial view, the photograph seems to be a normal clothes shop scene, but the actual test for the readers is how to spot the five concealed wallets inside the shop. >

This test is going to push the boundaries of your visual ability. Experts believe that individuals who are able to crack optical illusion puzzles like these possess great observation powers. They also believe that daily practice of optical illusions enhances cognitive powers, thus avoiding cognitive loss in old age. >

This is a challenging riddle, and if you solve it in 11 seconds, you will be the world record holder! Now place your stopwatch on 11 seconds and start.

If you are a person with keen visual abilities and a good eye for details, then you are going to spot the five concealed wallets in no time. >

How many wallets have you seen?

Come on!
The clock’s ticking.

You possess world-class observation skills if you were able to identify all five secret wallets in 11 seconds.

Don’t worry if you couldn’t. Nobody will be able to do it in 11 seconds. You should practice more such puzzles to increase your speed and capacity to find concealed items.

Stop looking now and have a look at the solution given below.

Optical Illusion: Answer

The five wallets are located in five places within the picture and are encircled by red circles for easier identification.

If you enjoyed this optical illusion challenge, do not forget to attempt some of our must-try challenges listed below. Do also share with your friends and family to check how quickly they can identify the five hidden wallets.

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